Move on

The days of the past are long gone.
Its time you learnt to move past and move on.

So, your heart was broken, who cares
Learn to stare back when it stares.

So, a friend betrayed you, who cares
Lean to hold back what is not to share.

So, you lost a battle, who cares
Many more are to come, take the dare.

So, you miss the good times, who cares
Make new memories; don't lose today to despair.

Every day in life is a lesson learnt
You will heal tomorrow, today you are bruised and burnt
If it were easy, it would not have been 'Life'
You wouldn't see the joy, until you met the strife.

So, the next time something holds you down, don't care
Learn to move on, life is waiting out there.


  1. The poem is very good as always.
    I wish I could relate to it. What is your source of inspiration? :green smiley:

    I need something that would turn my life over. I have lost all the senses of direction after life struck me on the head with a skillet.

    Few things:
    less should be lesson.
    Learned is preferred over learnt, I think.

  2. Thanks for reading as always :)
    And thanks for pointing out the mistake...corrected it.
    Inspiration is nothing but my own life. I am not saying I can move on too easily. But I am learning well.

  3. extremely touchy :)i came to this poem through Parcha by PKT..and it strikes immediately :) was more than worth to visit here :)thanks PKT and thanks Hetal
    Prem Krishna


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