Black and White

This is an imaginary conversation between the Black color and the White color. White tries to show its superior virtues. Black tries to show White the "black" in those...

I drive away the darkness.

I bring light.

If there were no dark

You would never see the light.

I am guileless.

I am pure.

You are stained too soon,

Your life unsure.

I dress the holy men.

I dress the joyous bride.

You dress the shrewd politicians.

And the dead faces you hide.

I am the diamond, the flower,

Whose beauty makes all crave.

One adorns the mortal men.

Other, the rancid grave.

I am the peaceful dove.

I am the innocent hare.

Appearances are deceptive.


And on and on they went,

Until a voice made them turn.

"You need to know the truth, my friends,

And truth you need to learn.

For it is neither black nor white

That forever remains true.

Gray is what are people at heart,

And gray is me and you"


  1. For an heartless animal, none of the above apply ;).

    White is never humble here and black is playing a critic. If only for once, they were content with what they are and get on with it. They could compliment one another.

    The poem is awesome!!!


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